One of my favorite Antique Shows is on deck this Sunday (March 20, 2011), The New Hartford Lions Club Northwestern Connecticut Antiques & Collectibles Show. You know Spring is close, when the Northwest Show returns each year. Held at Northwest Regional School #7 which is off Route 44 in Winsted, CT, this show is always worth the trip for me.
Plenty of Collectibles To Come Home With At The Northwestern Connecticut Antiques & Collectibles Show
Many of the dealers at this show carry my favorite types of collectibles including, kitchenwares, advertising, Country collectibles, primitives, textiles, glassware, pottery, books, toys and more. I always come home with plenty of goodies. The prices are generally fair, the assortment is is fun, the dealers are eager to sell.

Food is available, including breakfast, lunch and homemade pies.
Early buying is at 8:30-9:30.
Show hours 9:30-4:00pm
About The Lions Club
By the way, The Lion's Club also sponsors two great Flea Markets: Saturday, June 4, 2011
and Saturday, September 24, 2011
C. Dianne Zweig is the author of Hot Kitchen & Home Collectibles of the 30s, 40s, 50s and Hot Cottage Collectibles for Vintage Style Homes. She is also the Editor of I Antique Online an actively growing internet based resource community for people who buy, sell or collect antiques, collectibles and art. You can find Dianne’s fabulous retro and vintage kitchen, home and cottage collectibles at The Collinsville Antiques Company of New Hartford, CT, a 22,000 feet antique emporium with an in-house retro cafĂ©.To read more articles by C. Dianne Zweig click on this link: C. Dianne Zweig’s Blog Kitsch ‘n Stuff Email me at dianne@cdiannezweig.comVisit my website, CDianneZweig.comDianne is a member of:The American Society of Journalists and AuthorsThe Society of Professional Journalists
wow! your blog is such a wealth of great stuff! I could spend days on here going to all your links and drooling all over my keyboard!