Thursday, August 26, 2010

Letting Junk Talk To You: Collectors Entering The Junk Zone

How to Turn Junking Into A Zen Like Experience

I was back in the JUNK ZONE yesterday. Yes I did initially go out shopping with some ideas of what I was hunting for....but I switched gears and entered the JUNK ZONE. What exactly is the JUNK ZONE you ask?

Banish Pre-Existing Ideas Of What You Are Looking For

Simply stated, to be truly in the JUNK ZONE you have to banish all pre-exisitng notions of what you are looking for and let the junk talk to you.

Junking Is A Zen Like Experience

Going junking is really a Zen like experience. To begin your journey into the JUNK ZONE you have to clear your mind and become totally focused on the experience in of itself.

DON'T THINK When Junking

When entering a junk shop, I follow the advice of one of my most gifted art teachers who helped me to work in a more relaxed way. Her mantra was DON'T THINK TOO MUCH ! You have to let it happen.....go with the flow !

When you go out junking with a clear will be surprised how many great things you can come home with. Your ingenuity is re-charged and you will indeed discover new uses for lots of old things!


The Junk Shop
Eric Hathaway
181 Albany Turnpike (Route 44)
Canton, CT.
(860) 693-6039

C. Dianne Zweig is the author of Hot Kitchen & Home Collectibles of the 30s, 40s, 50s and Hot Cottage Collectibles for Vintage Style Homes. She is also the Editor of an actively growing internet based resource community for people who buy, sell or collect antiques, collectibles and art. You can find Dianne’s fabulous retro and vintage kitchen, home and cottage collectibles at The Collinsville Antiques Company of New Hartford, CT, a 22,000 feet antique emporium with an in-house retro café.To read more articles by C. Dianne Zweig click on this link: C. Dianne Zweig’s Blog Kitsch ‘n Stuff Email me at dianne@cdiannezweig.comVisit my website, CDianneZweig.comDianne is a member of:The American Society of Journalists and AuthorsThe Authors Guild, Inc.


  1. I love this post. As a dealer it is how I do my hunting. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen an item and gone home and dreamed about it. The next day I have to go back and get it.
    I also have a weird thing that I will be looking at a piece I have in my inventory that may of been sitting a bit and immediately it will sell.
    Wonder sometimes if we have our stuff or stuff has us?

  2. Our stuff has us. That is how Antique dealers turn into hoarders. Have you ever known an antique dealer, or thrift store owner to have a clean car? And the dining room table is always full of things they just bought and haven't put on ebay, yet or in their booth or store. And what about the guest bedroom, the garage and oh last but not least the patio. Can anyone relate?

