If you are new to the world of Antique Social Networks , you are not alone. Many antique dealers enjoy antiquing and doing shows more than they do fooling with the internet. But savvy buyers, sellers and collectors know that antiquing online is becoming a big deal.
Selling Antiques Online: The Value Of A Social Network
A few years ago, I joined Scott Liscomb who founded I Antique Online.com , a Social Network that has now become the Facebook of the antique w
Buying And Selling Antiques On Antique Social Networks
On I Antique Online.com , we have almost 6000 members with over 150 group forums on every topic your can imagine related to antiques and collectibles. And we have so much fun on this site. The community has a lot of energy and is very welcoming. You will also find over 37,000 photos posted on the site.
I Antique Online.com is now the number one Social Network for Antiques And Collectibles. As editor, I have learned a lot about how Antique Social Networks can help buyers, sellers and collectors of antiques and collectibles. First of all like all internet communities, an Antique Social Network helps you meet people from all over the world who share similar interests. This is a GREAT way to search for information about antiques or to find buyers and sellers. And when it is freezing out or way too hot....you can go antiquing online. Now that is fabulous.
Antique Social Networks Let You Hunt For Antiques And Collectibles On The Internet: A Dream Come True For Collectors
For collectors, an Antique Social Network is a dream come true, be
Some people join Antique Social Networks because they like to schmooze ( interact) with others who have a similar hobby. While others join this type of network to do business. And of course many people become members to do both.
Getting The Most Out Of A Social Network On Antiques And Collectibles- Buying-Selling-Collecting
If you really want to use an Antique Social Network to increase traffic for your business or to meet others here are some tips.
Tips On Using Antique Social Networks Such As I Antique Online.com
1. Post photos and always add tags and descriptions.
2. Write blog posts (articles about antiques and collectibles).
3. Write articles for the various collecting groups forums.
4. Share a news article that you have read on antiques and collectibles.
5. When a new member joins that shares common interests, tell them about groups that you belong to.
6.Post articles to share what you have learned over the years to teach new collectors.
7. Tag all your posts.
8. Post a badge of the Social Network site on your blog or website and exchange links.
9. Review a book on antiques and collectibles and post your reviews on the Social Network site.
10. Add a video and tag.
Please post and share other ideas that you may have..
Visit http://iantiqueonline.ning.com/
Photos courtesy of :
J.P. Finishing Touches Antiques
1 Depot Place
Unionville, CT
860- 798-2198
C. Dianne Zweig is the author of Hot Kitchen & Home Collectibles of the 30s, 40s, 50s and Hot Cottage Collectibles for Vintage Style Homes. She is also the Editor of Iantiqueonline.com an actively growing internet based resource community for people who buy, sell or collect antiques, collectibles and art. You can find Dianne’s fabulous retro and vintage kitchen, home and cottage collectibles at The Collinsville Antiques Company of New Hartford, CT, a 22,000 feet antique emporium with an in-house retro café.To read more articles by C. Dianne Zweig click on this link: C. Dianne Zweig’s Blog Kitsch ‘n Stuff Email me at dianne@cdiannezweig.comVisit my website, CDianneZweig.comDianne is a member of:The American Society of Journalists and AuthorsThe Authors Guild, Inc.
Had to visit IAO, and found it delightful. Now I'm a member, and there's so many fun things to do, that I cannot figure out where to start!