How many old fashioned neighborhood German Style Deli's are still around where you can take home slices of freshly made oven roasted turkey or roast beef ?
Or select from a dozen different kinds of home-made salads and puddings made from scratch every morning by husband and wife chefs who know how to prepare old school recipes .
Check out the International Deli's party platters of assorted sandwiches, cheese platters, salads, desserts.
When was the last time you bumped into someone who told you they shopped at a "Mom and Pop" store instead of at the deli counter of a large supermarket?
The International Deli Of East Meadow Does Great Catering
And be sure to have The International Deli of East Meadow caterers do your next party or special event. They are great for doing home or office parties.
International Deli, East Meadow, Long Island
Well hold onto to your hats, there still are some great old deli's around. While on a" goose chase" for some neighborhood antique shops, I stumbled across a vintage deli instead. Modernized but still holding onto a taste of yesteryear, The International Delicatessen of East Meadow, N.Y. brought me back to my baby boomer beginnings when strolling into a small deli for sandwiches was the rule. This deli has been in the same spot since 1965 but now with new owners who are keeping the menu and staff exactly how it has always been.
It was quite a treat finding this eatery, located in a busy small local shopping center.
We just don't get New York style deli's in New England. Sure we have plenty of charming eateries ...but nothing that would compare to the "International Deli".
I was only in the deli a few minutes before I spotted home-made rice that is where I began my sampling. My dad who owned luncheonettes always made rice pudding and it great once again to find this home styled dessert still available.
Back in the 50's when I
across the street from our school. I was a regular customer favoring a a bologna sandwich on a hard roll and a package of Wise potato chips. In those days there wasn't shelves and shelves of chips like you see today .....there was one single rack of Wise potato chips! The International Deli has every imaginable chip made.
The International Deli is a worth visiting. Try the hot roast beef with melted Mozzarella or Swiss cheese on toasted garlic bread. This sandwich is worth a trip from me.
Also read:
International Delicatessen
483 Bellmore Avenue
East Meadow, New York
C. Dianne Zweig is the author of Hot Kitchen & Home Collectibles of the 30s, 40s, 50s and Hot Cottage Collectibles for Vintage Style Homes. She is also the Editor of an actively growing internet based resource community for people who buy, sell or collect antiques, collectibles and art. You can find Dianne’s fabulous retro and vintage kitchen, home and cottage collectibles at The Collinsville Antiques Company of New Hartford, CT, a 22,000 feet antique emporium with an in-house retro café.
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