Sunday, October 9, 2016

Picturesque 1950s-1960s Gravel Art Featured On Facebook Page

Gravel Art: Favorite Hobby in the 1950s and 1960s...Now on Facebook

Glenn Waters has taken the time to establish both a website and Facebook Page dedicated to the popular 1950s and 1960s hobby of making Gravel and stone Wall Decor artwork. These kits kept many  postwar dads and moms busy. My dad has made the Queen and King below and Im wondering if this image I came across could actually be dad'd work. I also fondly remember a set of parrots he carefully crafted at our dinette table.

Popular Gravel kit themes were exotic birds, Geisha girls, poodles, jesters,  Asian landscapes, musical instruments, florals, seascapes, religious themes, wine and fruit and more. Also check out:

C. Dianne Zweig is the author of Hot Kitchen & Home Collectibles of the 30s, 40s, 50s and Hot Cottage Collectibles for Vintage Style Homes. She is also the Editor of I Antique Online an actively growing internet based resource community for people who buy, sell or collect antiques, collectibles and art. You can find Dianne’s fabulous retro and vintage kitchen, home and cottage collectibles at The Collinsville Antiques Company of New Hartford, CT, a 22,000 feet antique emporium with an in-house retro cafĂ©. To read more articles by C. Dianne Zweig click on this link: C. Dianne Zweig’s Blog Kitsch ‘n Stuff Email me at Visit my website, CDianneZweig.comDianne is a member of: The American Society of Journalists and Authors The Society of Professional Journalists

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